2022 Africode Mentor of The Year: Onyedikachi Ibeabuchi

2022 Africode Mentor of The Year: Onyedikachi Ibeabuchi

Onyedikachi is a long-standing member of the Africode community who works as a Java Developer and STEM advocate in Abuja, Nigeria. He is a former IT support and WordPress developer at Solamith Nigeria Limited, a Software Engineer fellow at TIIDELab, and volunteer Training Facilitator at Suacode.ai and TechQuest STEM Academy, who  introduced Processing language, Robotics, Scratch Programming and Computer Safety to young people.  Onyedikachi joined Africode as a mentee in 2017 and has since grown into a mentor.

2022 Africode Mentee of The Year: Rediet Woldesenbet

2022 Africode Mentee of The Year: Rediet Woldesenbet

Rediet is a raising fourth-year student at Drexel University with a major in Finance and Economics and minor in Computer Science. She was born and raised in Ethiopia, and currently doing her second co-op (internship) with Macquarie Investment Management as an Agile Business Analyst. Prior to that, she worked as a Business Management Associate at Publicis Health Media. Outside of school, she enjoys dancing, reading, and drawing.

2021 Africode Mentee of The Year: Salamata Bah

2021 Africode Mentee of The Year: Salamata Bah

Salamata is a third year university student studying Computer Science and Bioinformatics. Amongst her many impressive achievements, Salamata was a STAR scholar at Drexel University and conducted research in Machine Learning to predict likelihood of cancerous activity in breast cancer tumors. As she looks towards the future, she plans to expand on her research and ultimately found a Biotech company in home country, Guinea.

2021 Africode Mentor of The Year: Moronfoluwa Akintola

2021 Africode Mentor of The Year: Moronfoluwa Akintola

Moronfoluwa is a Software Engineer based in Lagos, Nigeria and a tenured Africode community member. He is a former Google Africa Developer Scholar and Google Developer Student Clubs Lead who brought together groups of university students to create peer-to-peer learning environments and build solutions for local businesses and their communities. Moronfoluwa joined Africode as a Mentee and has evolved into a Mentor who helped his mentee to not just build confidence in his technical and soft skills but to also launch a widely-read tech blog.

2021 Africode Community Champion: Adebayo Ayodele

2021 Africode Community Champion: Adebayo Ayodele

The title of Community Champion is bestowed on one Africode member with a long track-record of creating lasting value in the Africode community. Ayodele studies Computer Science at the Federal Polytechnic Bida, Nigeria. His strong interest in exploring new technologies led him to start writing about them and to become the author of a top-50 most read technical blogs on Hashnode.

2020 Africode Mentee of The Year: Onyedikachi Ibeabuchi

2020 Africode Mentee of The Year: Onyedikachi Ibeabuchi

Meet Onyedikachi Ibeabuchi, one of the 32 mentees enrolled in the Africode mentorship program.

Onyedikachi is an exemplary member of the Africode community. With the support of Africode, he was able to crystallize his ambition of becoming a backend software developer and was admitted into the backend track of a software development fellowship.

Click through to read the full highlight and to apply to join the 2021 Africode mentorship cohort as a mentor or a mentee!

2020 Africode Mentor of The Year: Hajer Karoui

2020 Africode Mentor of The Year: Hajer Karoui

Meet Hajer Karoui, the 2020 Africode Mentor of the Year!!

Hajer mentored two university students over the course of the mentorship program - with her help they landed prestigious scholarships and a summer internship at Google!

She is also pursuing a Masters in Neuroscience at Imperial College London with a research focus on the use of Computer Science in the study of the human brain.

Click through to read the full highlight and to apply to join the 2021 Africode mentorship cohort as a mentor or a mentee!

Africode Mentorship: Titilayo and Regina

Titilayo (Mentor) is a User Researcher at Microsoft who was paired with Regina (Mentee), a student at University of Wisconsin-Superior, double majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science. Through Africode, Regina has been able to grow a network within African tech community, which has increased her motivation to reach professional goals and continue to aim higher.

Africode Mentorship: Dirichi and Osato

Dirichi (Mentor) is a Software Engineer based in London who was paired with Osato (Mentee), a student at Drexel University majoring in Electrical Engineering minor. Together they are able to create, contribute to, and be a part of communities that unite around a shared interest in technology and a desire to harness it to solve Africa's toughest challenges.

Africode Mentorship: Nkem & Ore

Nkem (Mentor) is a Technical Program Manager who was paired with Ore (Mentee), a Computer Engineering major at Howard University. Nkem wants to work on revamping education in Africa as well as connecting people and resources. While Ore is looking to become an engineer at Apple Inc. and eventually build a tech empire in his home country, Nigeria.